We’re here for you
Deciding to invest in your skin health, or to renew your self-confidence with our aesthetic treatments can fill you with excitement and anticipation. However, you may also feel a little apprehensive, especially if it is your first time trying a new experience, which is why we are here to provide you with all of the support you may need.
During your initial consultation, we will discuss the treatment you’d like to experience and talk through all of the steps involved to make sure it’s the right treatment for you, and that you’re ready to go ahead.
During and after your appointment, our Aestheticians, Doctors and Nurses will talk through your aftercare, advising you on everything you need to know to ensure you get the very best results, as well as providing you with a leaflet to take away.
We’ll also offer you any products that can enhance and maintain your results from home.
Our team will then continue to be there for you afterwards – any queries, just pick up the phone or drop us an email and we will be able to help.
Why aftercare is so important
Following your skin or aesthetic treatment, you’re likely to feel glowing and full confidence, and with the right aftercare, you will be able to prolong those feelings for much longer.
It’s important to follow your clinician’s aftercare guidance as this will help protect your skin, enhance your results, and ensure your skin continues to be healthy.
Key aftercare information
Following your appointment, your aesthetician will provide you with specific advice for your treatment and your skin. However, we recommend all clients remain aware of the following (unless otherwise directed):
- Regularly apply sunscreen each day to protect your skin from sun damage.
- Keep skin clean and moisturised to reduce inflammation or swelling.
- Allow your body to follow its natural healing process – this means no picking or scrubbing at your skin following treatment.
- Avoid activities involving heat e.g., sauna, swimming, exercising before and after the procedure.
- We recommend that you do not apply make-up or products that are not recommended by your skin specialist straight after the treatment.
Please also Inform your therapist of any changes to your medication or medical history and inform us of concerns that you might have.
Need some advice? Please call the team on 01442 866117 or email info@kohaclinics.co.uk
Alternatively, visit us for a skin consultation for an in-depth look at your skin’s health.